March 2nd I received a call from my friend Tabra. HER WATER BROKE! She was on her way to the hospital. YIPPEE!!! We had only been waiting for this for about nine months! If you know anything about our friendship you might know that we are pretty close so the fact that I may or may not potentially see her "WHO HA" didn't really bother me as much as it bothered her. Perhaps that's because it wasn't my "WHO HA" being exposed (literally). So anyways...of course with great excitement I gathered my things and went pretty much straight to the hospital once my husband got home. When I arrived at the hospital I believe I said something a long the lines of "This feels like CAMP"! LOL Why on earth that was my description I don't know. It just felt like a sleep over with friends which I haven't done in years. I felt like a kid again! We sat there in the room and laughed and patiently waited for baby Stella to make her appearance. I will mention that when my husband got home from work he brought the mail in. Just before I left to photograph new life I received one of the most beautiful heartfelt thank yous from a NILMDTS mother. Real quick recap...NILMDTS is an organization that I volunteer for. It's very near and dear to my heart (see link for more info if you've never heard of it & grab a tissue). Talk about a black and white moment. I was immensely touched and sad for this aching mother, but yet super excited to go and photograph new life. I believe they call those bittersweet moments. As a christian I felt like God was reminding me just how precious life is and to never take it for granted. The fact that we ALL have life is such an incredible gift that we rarely even thank God for. LIFE. BREATH. A HEART BEAT. Sadly, it's only in moments of tragedy that we really only thank God for life. This last month I've constantly been reminded of this. The birth of sweet little Stella was a warm welcome to a new outlook on my attitude. Tabra was a slow starter but then before we knew it we were woke up around 2:00AM to hear that she was READY TO PUSH! If those words aren't scary to every mother. :) The nursing staff was amazing and made me feel right at home. I stood there with two cameras on each shoulder ready for action. Tabra did a practice push and the Dr. had to tell her to hold up for one second while she quickly got dressed. Stella was READY to come out. And it was like the next push...there she came! Her perfect little cone head and all. She cried a little bit and then calmed right down once she heard mama's voice. Tabra even had to ask if she was OK because she was pretty mellow from the start! She was 7 pounds of perfection!!!
Seeing her arrive and have LIFE...color, breath, a heart beat...What an incredible blessing. To know that God knit her perfectly inside my best friends womb is so amazing.And to think God has her life all planned out from this moment to all the others! The whole process was miraculous!
As mothers the birth experience is much different in our eyes. Our bodies are put through so much that we often forget to look at the whole process in third person. I hope that if we ever have a second baby that I come back and read this again. Being in that room for sure is going to be one of very few moments in my life where I've been nothing but OVERJOYED. I wasn't thinking about the dishes, emails, photo shoots or any random things that bombard my thoughts daily. I felt nothing but JOY. For this reason I think everyone should watch a delivery. It's so hard for me to even put it into words. It was such a praise God moment. In my head I keep coming back to that birth session and the NILMDTS sessions I've done recently. The next time we complain about something let's be reminded of the life we've been given. Before I go and complain about conceiving a second child, I want to remind myself that God gives and takes away. It's ultimately His gift to give....and I have to be at peace and JOY with that. Life is so precious. I hope that this post gives a lot of hope to mothers who've lost a child or are having troubles conceiving a child. Always remember who's in control and thank God we don't HAVE to be in control! Instead of asking God why we were dealt these cards...try praising Him for all our blessings and life that we've been given. I know it's easier said than done, but you are the only one who chooses to have an attitude of gratitude.
I want to personally thank our best friends Todd and Tabra for allowing me to document such a wonderful day in your life. You may feel so grateful to have these images and feel like you can never repay me, but I can never repay you for the experience and the amount of joy you gave me in those few hours. It was a mutual gift to one another and I truly believe I received more than you did!!! I love you friends!
And P.S. I wish more than anything it was socially acceptable to add the photo of her actually coming out. Totally awesome. Wish you guys could see it, but there's no way I'd ever post that even if mama gave permission. But have to cool is that they will have that picture forever and the documentation of that exact moment of entering the world!!!! WAY NEAT!!! :)
Tessa- I am so happy to call you my best friend! I agree with you on the unexplainable joy of watching a birth! Being a part of my nieces birth 6 years was the most memorable thing I have ever done!!! INcluding my own births! :) Thanks for sharing!!! love you friend-JO
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post Tessa!!!